Blurred purple background with white shapes forming a composition.



The project aimed to create a visually engaging poster to promote the annual Dawson graphic design vernissage.

The vernissage is an event held every year where the graduating students of the program collectively present their best work created over the last three years.

My concept revolved around the word "mash". "Mash" to me is the perfect word to describe the whole of our time spent at Dawson. Over the last three years, we mashed all of our collected knowledge together to pursue work in the real world. As the three years went by, seeing each others faces everyday, we also got close as a group. The visual for the poster is a dynamic composition using shapes; creating a flow, which we all learned to do during our time in school.

Picture of poster for the dawson graphic design vernissage with purple background, white shapes and orange text.
Picture of catalogues with the purple background, white shapes, orange text and book spine.